Course: Elementary Maths Year 6


Elementary Maths Year 6

Text lesson

Number: Power

Materials Needed:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Worksheets with decimal multiplication problems
  • Calculator (optional for checking work)
  • Grid paper for organizing calculations
  • Power of 10 flashcards for group practice
  • Scratch paper for working out problems
  • Task sheets with open-ended problems involving powers of 10


Lesson Plan:


1.    Recap of Powers of 10:

o   Begin by reviewing what powers of 10 are (e.g., 101=1010^1 = 10101=10, 102=10010^2 = 100102=100, 103=100010^3 = 1000103=1000) and how multiplying by powers of 10 shifts the decimal point in a number.

o   Use the whiteboard to show examples of how multiplying whole numbers by powers of 10 increases the value, and then introduce multiplying decimals by powers of 10.

What happens when we multiply a number by 10? What about 100? How does the decimal point move?

2.    Introducing Decimal Multiplication by Powers of 10:

o   Explain that multiplying decimals by powers of 10 works in a similar way. For example:

§ 2.45 × 10 = 24.5

§ 2.45 × 100 = 245

§ 2.45 × 1000 = 2450

o   Demonstrate this on the board, showing how the decimal point shifts to the right as the number gets multiplied by larger powers of 10.

What happens to the decimal point when we multiply a decimal by 10? What about by 100?


Main Activity 1: Multiplying Decimals by Powers of 10 (15 minutes)

Task: Students will practice multiplying decimals by powers of 10 using worked examples and guided practice.

1.    Step 1 – Guided Practice:

o   Write several decimal multiplication problems on the board and solve them as a class. For example:

§ 1.23 × 10 = ?

§ 4.56 × 100 = ?

§ 7.89 × 1000 = ?

o   Ask students to identify where the decimal point moves in each example.

Where does the decimal point move when we multiply by 10? What happens when we multiply by 100?

2.    Step 2 – Independent Practice:

o   Provide students with a worksheet that contains decimal multiplication problems by powers of 10 (multiplying by 10, 100, 1000, etc.). Encourage them to solve each problem by moving the decimal point to the right.

Example Worksheet:



3.25 × 10


6.789 × 100


0.456 × 1000


12.34 × 10000


How many places did you move the decimal point? Did you get the same answer after checking?

3.    Step 3 – Using a Calculator:

o   After students have completed the worksheet, allow them to use a calculator to check their work. Encourage them to explain the steps they followed to solve the problems.

Did your answer match the calculator result? What steps did you take to move the decimal point?


Main Activity 2: Open-Ended Problem Solving

Task: Students will apply their understanding of powers of 10 to solve an open-ended task involving the multiplication of decimals by powers of 10.

1.    Step 1 – Introducing the Open-Ended Task:

o   Present the problem: “Imagine you are calculating the cost of a large number of items at different prices. You need to figure out the total cost by multiplying prices (with decimals) by large numbers (powers of 10). Use your understanding of powers of 10 to solve the problem and explain your reasoning.”

Example Problem:
You are buying 1000 pencils, each costing $0.45. How much will the pencils cost in total? Use powers of 10 to solve the problem.

How can you use powers of 10 to calculate large totals? What happens when you multiply the price by 1000?

2.    Step 2 – Solving the Problem:

o   Ask students to work independently or in pairs to solve the problem. Encourage them to show their working out and explain each step, focusing on how they moved the decimal point when multiplying by powers of 10.

Where did the decimal point move in your problem? How did you use powers of 10 to solve it?

3.    Step 3 – Explaining Reasoning:

o   After solving the problem, ask students to explain their reasoning in writing or verbally. They should describe how they used powers of 10 to complete the calculation and why their answer is reasonable.

Can you explain why your answer makes sense? How did using powers of 10 help you solve the problem?


Class Discussion: Applying Powers of 10 in Real Life (10 minutes)

1.    Sharing Problem Solutions:

o   Ask a few students to share their solutions to the open-ended problem with the class. Discuss how they applied powers of 10 and what steps they took to solve the problem.

How did you solve the problem using powers of 10? What steps did you follow?

2.    Real-Life Applications:

o   Discuss how multiplying by powers of 10 is useful in real-life situations, such as when calculating prices, working with large numbers, or converting units in the metric system.

Can you think of a time when you might use powers of 10 in real life? Why is it helpful to understand how decimals and powers of 10 are connected?


Closing Activity: Quick Power of 10 Challenge

Task: Students will participate in a quick challenge to solve a series of power of 10 problems.

1.    Step 1 – Flashcard Challenge:

o   Use power of 10 flashcards to display different problems involving the multiplication of decimals by powers of 10. Ask students to solve them as quickly as possible.

Example Flashcards:

o   4.56 × 100 = ?

o   0.78 × 1000 = ?

o   9.01 × 10 = ?

Can you solve the problem quickly by moving the decimal point? How many places do you move it?

2.    Step 2 – Group Reflection:

o   End the lesson by asking students to reflect on what they learned about multiplying decimals by powers of 10 and how it helps them solve problems quickly.

What did you learn about powers of 10 today? How does multiplying by 10, 100, or 1000 affect a decimal number?


Assessment Criteria:

1.    Accurately multiplying decimals by powers of 10 and explaining how the decimal point moves.

2.    Using reasoning skills to explain their problem-solving process.

3.    Solving open-ended problems involving powers of 10 and decimals.

4.    Participating in discussions about the real-life applications of powers of 10.


Extension Activity:

1.    Real-Life Budgeting with Powers of 10:

o   Challenge students to create a budget for a large project (e.g., a school event) where they must calculate costs by multiplying prices by large numbers (powers of 10).

2.    Metric System Conversion:

o   Ask students to practice converting between metric units (e.g., kilometers to meters, grams to kilograms) using powers of 10 to reinforce their understanding of decimals and unit conversions.


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